Saturday, September 6, 2008

LOVE....Not The Greatest Thing on Earth

“ It is better to have loved and lost. Than never loved at all.” Is a famous quote once said by Alfred Tennyson .Of course people’s opinions of this quote vary. Some speculate whether the person who stated this was ever in love at all. Others just don’t believe or understand the whole concept of love. There’s also those who believe love is a beautiful, intense emotion. I believe love is for those who believe in it and personally I don’t.Love is myth, legend, lie, an over-told story to fuel dreams. Girls grow up and go to sleep every night to dream of a prince charming who will one day ride up to them on an ivory horse and sweep them off of their feet to take them away from their everyday chaotic existence. They dream of a cozy cottage placed on the side of a hill, surrounded by fields blooming wild flowers whose names cannot be pronounced. Personal experiences have made me believe that love is nothing more or less than lies, power, and getting hurt.
Power plays into lust. In relationships now, people are always trying to get the upper hand. Society shows us that dominance plays a big role in the success of a relationship. In movies both men and women set up rules and play games to punish or over take the power in the relationship. Egos and envy also tie into dominance. Men find it insulting if a woman they r dating makes more money or is in the spotlight while women find it illuminating. Music with its diversity degrades both men and women. The constant comments on which women are delighted ,men get agitated.A man is always possessive about his girl but a girl likes to flaunt his man.....A very bad mistake..
But like they say,"Everythings fair in love and war".So all you people i suggest u love is a war,fight it like a true warrior......if u cant i will say only one thing......-"There are thousands of fishes in the sea....keep looking.U will find someone who is just made for u"

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