Tuesday, September 16, 2008

UFO:Some Paranormals Truths...........

The Kumburgaz UFO sighting in Turkey

The UFO’s, sighted at Kumburgaz, caused great shock waves around the world and were part of the written and visual media from China to Russia and Brazil to Switzerland and will go down in the World UFO literature as one of the most significant UFO sightings. Nearly a dozen of residents at the Yeni Kent compound witnessed these sightings filmed by the night watchman named Yalcın Yalman.
First of all, the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center studied the footage in great detail for ten days, and as a result of the study the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center concluded that the UFO sightings were geniniue and not a hoax. On January 17, 2008 the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research held a press conference at the Dedeman Hotel flocked by the high number of attendees. The incident was announced to the public at this press conference and the aforementioned sightings were part of the news covered in both local and foreign media, TV, and newspapers as well as Internet portals. Following these developments some parties who appeared on various TV shows, starting with Prof. Adnan Öktem from the Istanbul University Department of Astronomy Sciences, Prof. Mehmet Emin Ozel from the18 March University Department of Physics and Prof. Kerem Doksat from the Istanbul University Department of Psychiatry claimed with great prejudice that the footages taken in Kumburgaz were a hoax made up by a mockup or computer animation without having conducted an analysis or any kind of study.
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Argentina: Region Still Astonished by Police UFO Case

The eyewitness accounts of four law enforcement officers who claim having seen alien beings in the wilderness near Irene have given rise to comments among locals. Were there other witnesses to the mysterious episode?
Residents of Oriente and the region are exchanging bewildered views on the police testimony concerning the encounter with humanoid beings on Wednesday in the vicinity of Irene. br /> Local residents are making their own remarks and speculating, but the alleged episode, by virtue of having been witnesses by four police officers, sets aside any possibility of hallucination or incorrect perception. The color and shade of the light, indicated as white with greenish flashes, and the strong odor reminiscent of sulfur or gunpower, followed by a report comparable to a thunderclap, all agree with the description of the phenomenon.
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Let's Liquidate the Myth of the UFO!

In November of 2007 a group of military pilots from different countries addressed the letter with a demand to open all secret files concerning flying saucers.
Previously in England and France the material containing observations and deductions by experts in regards to flying saucers was made open to the public. In Russia in May 2007, the newspaper of the Russian Minister of Defense “Red Star” featured a lengthy article called “UFO – Farewell to a Legend” by researcher Pavel Polyan. The article contains material collected from many years of journalistic investigation, in which Pavel Polyan discovered that flying saucers are vehicles built on earth and used by the secret military services of the US for spying and perhaps by the Soviet Union as well. Below is an abridged version of Pavel Polyan’s article.
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* UFO News Agency recommends: Keep Your Mind Clear!

Soviet Union witnessed invasion of US-made UFOs in 1980s

The first “flying saucers” could not cover long distances, and Americans had to use submarines to deliver those saucers to the Soviet shores. The Pentagon was testing the third generation of flying saucers when the Soviet Union just started development of similar mechanisms. A correspondent of PRAVDA.Ru is going to break the secrecy requirement and publish a story told by a former engineer of an enterprise where UFO components were manufactured.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the USSR witnessed an invasion of unidentified flying objects. Some of the “visits” were particularly curious. In December 1989, policemen in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk came to a scene of actio and witnessed “some dark apparatuses with colored lights” were experimenting on a power line going to a local aluminum plant. Other acquaintances of the man who told the story witnessed objects flying over the Yenisei River and the city of Krasnoyarsk. The man himself saw an UFO earlier, April 26, 1989 in the Ural Region. Where did the strange machines that were obviously made by humans come from?
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* UFO News Agency recommends: Keep Your Mind Clear!

US National Security Agency UFO Documents Index

The documents listed on this page /http://www.nsa.gov/ufo/ were located in response to the numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). In 1980, NSA was involved in Civil Action No. 80-1562, "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency". Documents related to that ligitation are marked with "*". "XXXXX" has been inserted in a title if a portion of the title has been deleted prior to release. To select a document click on the document title, and wait for the PDF version to be downloaded to your local viewer. Approximate file sizes are given after each selection for user convenience.
These historical documents are PDF images of formerly classified carbon paper and reports that have been declassified. Due to the age and poor quality of some of the PDF images, a screen reader may not be able to process the images into word documents. In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, individuals may request that the government provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure effective communication of the substance of the documents. For such requests, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 301-688-6524.
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UFO Landing Trace = Cropcircle?

Polish UFO CropcircleOn April 26, 2004 Rense.com posted an intriguing report from Brian Vike (HBCC UFO Research) of a "close encounter of the third kind" which had occurred in a rural area of northern Poland 8 months previously (Vike's source: Tomek Wierszalowicz). Of great interest to me was the fact that the witness had discovered flattened areas of crop pressed into the field after the UFO departed—several circles arranged in a configuration which, from the photographs provided, looked exactly like what I would have called a crop circle. Could this be the first clear evidence of UFOs as the direct causative agent in the creation of at least some crop circles?
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Bulgarian Military Air Force UFOs

Bulgarian Military Air Force UFOs. Ret.Colonel Gancho Kamenarski.Dozens of times Bulgarian Military Air Forces have chased UFOs, says Ret. Colonel Gancho Kamenarski. According to him, some cases may be interpreted as atmospheric conditions, balloons for meteorological purposes or virtual airborne target simulation. Others, however, remain a mystery. Especially for the visitors of UFO News Agency’s site, colonel Kamenarski shares information of the cases he has witnessed himself while serving at the command post of 1-st division of the Air Defense in Bojurishte in 1990-1995.
Colonel Kamenarski was born in 1946 in Kazanlak. In 1969 he graduates from the High National School of Military Air Cervices Georgi Benkovski. Until 1984, he serves as a military pilot in Bezmer and Uzundjovo. In the period 1974-1977 he studies at Georgi S. Rakovski Military Academy in Sofia. In 1984, he dedicates himself to military journalism and acts as second editor in chief of the Guard of the fatherland’s sky newspaper and the Wings magazine until 1988. From 1988 through 1990 he is second commander of a communication battalion. In 1995 he is appointed adviser on the press at the Bulgarian Army’s General Headquarters, where he works until his retirement in 1999.
He is a good friend of the ufologists in Bulgaria.
A Video Clip- 1989 UFO over Bankya
B Video Clip- 1991 UFO over Shoumen
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George Herbert Walker Bush UFO Tale

The Presidents UFOs"Mr. Bush, Mr. President," asked Mr. Huffer (in the excitement of the moment Mr. Huffer called him President). "Will you tell the people the truth about UFOs?"
"Yeah," replied Bush. Then realizing what he has just said Bush added, "If we can find it, what it is. We are really interested."
"You’ll have it, you’ll have it." said Huffer. "It’s in there. (I meant it would be in his briefing when he became president) Declassify it and tell us, ok?"
"OK," said Bush, " alright, yes."
Bush then entered the building where he met with the local Arkansas press. Huffer remained outside waiting for Bush to come back out. When he did emerge from the building, Huffer his tape recorder running told George Bush, "Going to hold you to that promise."
"Alright," replied Bush.
"OK," said Huffer, "you’re going to get it." (I meant the UFO information)
"Why don’t you send me some information about it? " asked Bush.
"Naw," said Huffer, "you’re a CIA man. You know all that stuff."
" I know some," replied Bush. "I know a fair amount"
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Huge Mother-ships Indicate Extraterrestrial Life

Mother-ship UFO?Reports of large, cigar or cylinder shaped, aircraft carrier sized UFOs also known, as 'Motherships' appear to have started as early as 1870, with a wave of sightings in 1896-7 with sightings throughout the Midwest United States.
A wave of sightings was reported over England in 1909. During World War I hardly a night would go by without numerous reports of German Zeppelin activity over the UK, but the Germans only had one Naval Zeppelin and five Army airships in service when war was declared. Historian Dr. David Clarke claims that within a few months most of the Zeppelins had been destroyed or wrecked. German records reveal Zeppelin activity was very limited anywhere near the UK, yet pilots and other military personnel reported thousands of sightings of huge cylinder shaped airships over England.
Captain Stansfield of the trawler SS Ape and many of his crew on December 15, 1914, reported sighting a black airship. After the war airship records were read and all German airships were in their hangars due to bad weather.
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East European Association of Paranormal Phenomena Researchers

We, undersigned deputies of East European UFO groups and organizations,
- being lead by the good will and by the wish to develop mutually favourable cooperation on the principles of equality of rights, and with respect for the various opinions about the nature and esssence of the paranormal phenomena,
- having received the full rights from our groups and organizations,
- made studies of paranormal phenomena in the theory and practice,
- being convinced in the objective existence such phenomena that seem to stay beyond the limits of the current science paradigm,
- expressing our common efforts to discover the nature and driving forces of the paranormal phenomena,
- with a wish to develop the coordination of the works carried out within the future pan-European project called „Monitoring of Paranormal Phenomena in the East European Countries“,
- and promoting the integration process of the East European countries in the field of paranormal phenomena research, have agreed on the following:
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Police Officer UFO Abduction Case

Police Officer UFO Abduction CaseA local police officer, Corporal Sergio Pucheta, a member of the regional unit from the Abigeato division reported having a bizarre encounter with two short entities with glowing red eyes which “followed him around and gave him orders” telepathically.
He was missing for approximately 20 hours. His last communication was via cell phone when he reported a “strange situation”, but his communication was suddenly interrupted. Backup arrived about 10 minutes later, finding only his motorcycle, his personal weapon, helmet, and other personal items belonging to Pucheta. Later, after an extensive search of the area he was found the next day at 16:30 lying on a road in a fetal position between the towns of Trili and Quemu Quemu, at about 20 km from his original location.
Mystery Planet /Spanish Language Version/
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Tsarichina Case

In a spring of 1992,it became known that a team from the Ministry of Defense was conducting some mysterious activities deeply underground in the village of Tsarichina.This news in itself was sufficient to excite public curiosity.Even when nothing yet was known with certainty, it generated strange opinions,phantasmogoric hypotheses and caustic remarks.This subject arose an interest even at a plenary session of the National Assembly,but at that stage the truth about Tsarichina was veiled in the secrecy. Significant disturbance was caused by findings of the expert commission created on 12 September 1992,by Ministry of Defense,to assess this case.From then on,many solutions generated more questions and discussions.As result,the interest toward Tsarichina case,gradually increased.
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